Candidates who opt for any combination of group subjects in the B.Sc. courses should have studied at least two subjects of the group in the qualifying examinations i.e. the group subjects opted for the degree courses and the group subjects studied in the qualifying examination must have at least two subjects in common. However in the case of group combinations with Mathematics in the B.Sc. course; the candidates should necessarily have studied Mathematics as one of the group subjects in the qualifying Examination.
I language: English
II Language: Telugu or Hindi or Sanskrit
Medium |
Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry |
English |
Mathemathics.Physics&Computer Science |
English |
Mathematics.Statistics&Comp.Science |
English |
Botany.Zoology&Chemistry |
English |
Botany, Agriculture,&Zoology |
English |
B.Com. Courses (General) (English &Telugu Media):
Those who have studied Commerce as one of the group subjects in the qualifying Examination should be preferred for admission into the B.Com. Courses whenever such applicants are available. Where non-commerce applicants are not available up to the extent of 20% of the sanctioned strength the seats will be filled by commerce students. Similarly in case non-availability of sufficient number of commerce applicants, the non-Commerce students may be allotted seats over above 20% of sanctioned strength.
B.Com(Computers)English Medium:
Admission rules as in B.Com(General) applies.
B.A. Course
Those who studied all the three group subjects being offered in B.A at the qualifying examination should be preferred for admission into B.A. courses. Those with two common group subjects and those with common group subjects get next preference in that order provided that applicants of categories other than these three, including those who studied science subjects, in the qualifying examination will be admitted, up to extent of 20% of sanctioned strength in B.A. courses wherever such applicants are available. Where applicants of the latter category are not available up to the extent of 20% 0f sanctioned strength the seats will be filled by students of former three categories. Similarly, m case of non-availability of sufficient number of applicants of former three categories, the applicants of the latter category may be allotted seats over and above 20% of sanctioned strength.
Combinations offered |
Medium |
History,Economics and Political Science |
Telugu |
Mathematics. Economics and Statistics |
English |
The courses will be continued subject to the number of Admissions as per the Norms of Acharya Nagarjuna University.
For admission to English Medium degree courses, preference should be given to those who studied the qualifying examination in English Medium. For the seats, if any remaining unfilled, candidates of other media in the qualifying examination may be considered for admission provided they secure at least 40% marks in English in the qualifying examination and if there are still seats remaining unfilled then candidates of other media with less than 40% marks in English in the qualifying examination may be considered for admission.